An event for the Society for Creative Anachronism

Martial Activities

Battlemoor offers the opportunity for all combatants to test their mettle against some of the best warriors in the Known World.

Armored Combat: Battle a multitude of foes in melees beneath the mighty Battlemoor gate or display your skill in one of the many tournaments.

Rapier Combat: Skill and deadly grace abound! Tournaments and melees alike will showcase the skill and courtly graces that are embodied in the art of rapier combat!

Archery & Thrown Weapons: A variety of shoots and throws are planned…something for everyone!

Siege Weapons: Siege weapons will be a part of some of the heavy weapons melees!

Equestrian: Once again Battlemoor will host the beauty and glory of the equestrians. Stop by to see what they have planned!

Spectators to all these glorious battles will bear witness to amazing feats of honor and glory!