An event for the Society for Creative Anachronism

Land Allocation

Land allocation planning is underway.  Each group that wants to camp together at Battlemoor, be it a kingdom, barony, shire, college, canton, or household, please contact our Land Coordinator, Doña Ibarra. The land agent for each group will work with the land coordinator to get a camp site. The agent will be the main conduit for information back to their fellow campers.

This is a beautiful piece of land and there’s not a bad campsite anywhere. There are woods and meadows. Golf carts will be available for those who need assistance. Town Center is in the center of the event.

Please understand the event Land Coordinator will be balancing a lot of requests and needs. If you think about it, thank her for taking on this task. If you have any problems with this process, please bring it to the the event stewards and we will see what we can do to help. Anyone who abuses the land coordinator will be camped on the far side of the parking lot.